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The single owner of this website is:
Mag.iur. Stefan ONZEK, MBL 
(in the following "Onzek")

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Basic Orientation,, and represent the opinion and personal interests of Onzek. It is online-media dedicated to readers and followers interested in legal, political, economic, cultural, public relations, media, energy, renewable energy, data protection, compliance, infrastructure, banking law, insurance law, common welfare, commonwealth, science law, traffic, gambling law as well as society and lobbying.

Onzek advocates parliamentary and democratic relations on the basis of a multi-party system and the rule of law, rejecting political extremism and totalitarianism. Onzek is committed to the principles of social justice and equity. Onzek advocates strengthening the economic competitiveness of Europe on the basis of a social union and the social market economy. Finally Onzek stands for tolerance against all ethnic and religious groups and communities worldwide and for equal rights for all citizens of the European Union.